"Being sick in prison is equivalent to death." Volha Rytus on medical care in detention

"Being sick in prison is equivalent to death." Volha Rytus on medical care in detention

Former political prisoner Volha Rytus spoke about the problems her cellmates faced in pre-trial detention center-1.

"I thought that if I fell asleep, I would wake up in a cell again." Ex-political prisoners on their psychological state on both sides of the bars

"I thought that if I fell asleep, I would wake up in a cell again." Ex-political prisoners on their psychological state on both sides of the bars

Asia Bulybenka and former political prisoner Alina (name changed for security reasons) shared their stories.

More than 30 demonstrations and events. Join the Day of Political Prisoners!

More than 30 demonstrations and events. Join the Day of Political Prisoners! (updated)

Viasna shares the actions and events you can join on May 18–26 to commemorate the Day of Political Prisoners.

"I had an airsoft pellet in my leg." Kanstantsin Karnei on medical care at Akrescina

"I had an airsoft pellet in my leg." Kanstantsin Karnei on medical care at Akrescina

Kanstantsin Karnei, a journalist from Vot Tak and a former political prisoner, spoke about healthcare in the temporary detention facility at Akrescina.

Norwegian PEN admitted Ales Bialiatski as honorary member

Norwegian PEN admitted Ales Bialiatski as honorary member

The proposal was explained by Jørgen Frydnes, Secretary General of the Norwegian PEN.

"You can't physically walk in this state." Volha Loika spoke about medical care in a pre-trial detention center

"You can't physically walk in this state." Volha Loika spoke about medical care in a pre-trial detention center

As part of the Week of Solidarity with Political Prisoners in Belarus, Viasna has prepared a number of videos where former political prisoners share their stories about sub-standard and untimely medical care in places of detention.

Criminal case initiated against Belarusians who took part in Freedom Day demonstrations around the world

Criminal case initiated against Belarusians who took part in Freedom Day demonstrations around the world

The Committee writes that 104 surnames have been added to the list of suspects in the case of Belarusians abroad.

All-Belarusian People's Assembly is a form of (non)implementation of the right to take part in the conduct of public affairs

All-Belarusian People's Assembly is a form of (non)implementation of the right to take part in the conduct of public affairs (document)

The "Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections" campaign analyzed the All-Belarusian People's Assembly (ABPA).

"This situation is borderline illegal." Pavel Sapelka on prison health care

"This situation is borderline illegal." Pavel Sapelka on prison health care

We publish an interview with a Viasna human rights defender, where we talk about what the right to health in detention means, why it became the topic of the Day of Political Prisoners-2024 and what each of us can do today to preserve the health of political prisoners.

"I started to lose consciousness," Vadzim Khizhniakou on the consequences of mold allergy in a prison cell

"I started to lose consciousness," Vadzim Khizhniakou on the consequences of mold allergy in a prison cell

As part of the Week of Solidarity with Political Prisoners in Belarus, Viasna has prepared a number of videos where former political prisoners share their stories about sub-standard and untimely medical care in places of detention.

At least 161 people convicted in criminal political cases in April

At least 161 people convicted in criminal political cases in April

Viasna reports the specifics of the criminal prosecution for political reasons in April.

Statement of the founders of Doctors for Truth and Justice

Statement of the founders of Doctors for Truth and Justice

The KGB of Belarus has recognized the members of the organization as an extremist formation.

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